[midnight backup]

sourceforge project #1747

Developer Resources

Want to get involved? This is the page for you.

How to get the Code

Midnight Backup is currently in a CVS repository at Midnight Linux. To get the latest code you need to have CVS installed. To check the latest code out of it, you could do something like:

$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:guest@yar.midnightlinux.com:/home/cvsroot
$ cvs login

(Logging in to guest@yar.midnightlinux.com)
CVS password: guest
$ cvs checkout mbackup

Development releases and snapshots of the CVS will also be released periodicly.

For more information about CVS, view the Sourceforge CVS Howto.

Mailing list and IRC channel

Those wishing to contribute should join our mailing list. You can also come talk to us on the Open Projects IRC network (irc.openprojects.net) on the #mbackup channel.

Todo List

Visit our task manager to see what needs doing and what is being done.

Webpage © Copyright 2000 by Nick Rusnov
Webpage comments or questions? Email

Last rebuild: Tue Jun 27 20:31:51 EST 2000 by nick@imix